Monday, 29 February 2016

The Breakfast Club!

Today we spent some time making pancakes in maths!

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Guess Who

Take a look at the following YouTube video and try to research/work out who the famous person from history is. Next, use the clues on the different slides, to work out/research the facts associated with this famous person.

Good luck!

OMG - How do you actually do Long Division?

Well here are a few video explanations to help you.

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Writing has never been so good!

Please read these incredible stories!

World War One's Morning Narrative!

Hello reader,

Here is Josh's magnificent short story from our recent unit on World War One. Josh also designed a reading comprehension to go with it which we will be using in one of our morning sessions.

Monday, 22 February 2016

My life as a Refugee...

Let us introduce you to the App 'My Life as a Refugee' on the iPad. This App has been created by UNHCR to give older children a better idea of what life can be like as a refugee. We took the part of Merita (a pregnant woman who is married with children). We had to decide what would be best for her, and her family, as she made her way towards the relative safety of a refugee camp in a neighbouring country. We had an in-depth discussion about which decisions she should take, then afterwards we created some digital stories based on Merita's journey to safety.

Here are some of our digital stories...

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Top Trench Design!

Here are some photographs of trenches which were made at home.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

A cloud of stories...

Some ideas for WW1 short stories


That's right ladies and gentlemen - Socratic Smackdown! If you aren't familiar with this concept of discussion/debate style lesson then please follow the Institute of Play link. This activity was recommended by a very creative and innovative colleague of mine named Tom Kean. Essentially, the idea behind the lesson, is that the children take part in a team debate based on a particular theme. In our case the theme was 'Who was responsible for starting World War One?' Why don't you take a look at the video and see if you can decide who was responsible for starting the Great War!

Monday, 8 February 2016

Who started the Great War?

In Year 6, we have been looking at which nation was ultimately responsible for starting the First World War. Here are some of the different nation's questions and responses to the questions posed (answers which were researched by the different groups/nations).

Austro-Hungary France
  Germany Russia

Thursday, 4 February 2016


Here are some of the magnificent newspaper articles from our English unit on WW1.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Thoughts on the Treaty

Some of our thoughts about the decisions concerning the Treaty of Versailles...

Choices, Choices...?

If you had to make one of these choices which would you choose?

Was the treaty of Versailles the catalyst for the Second World War?